
Nicki Minaj, "Pink Friday" album review


Expectations can be overwhelming at times. When Lebron James made the leap from high school phenom to NBA all star with relative ease, he raised the bar for prodigies from any genre to deliver immediately. With societies attention span diminishing at rapid pace, up & coming artist are facing unrealistic pressure from the media, fans and quite often themselves. 2009 "Rookie of the year", Nicki Minaj is far too familiar with media scrutiny. From her voice to her figure, she has been under a constant, unrelenting spotlight. On Friday, November 26th, Nicki delivered her long anticipated debut, "Pink Friday".....

This record review will surely differ from the countless others you'll be reading or reading about in the next couple weeks. Instead of breaking down the album to its basic elements ( production, guest apperances, etc) or dissecting each single, I will instead give you an overall analysis of the most important hiphop album release from a female artist since "The miseducation of Lauren Hill" Pink Friday is not the album I expected from Nicki Minaj. After stumbling on her 1st mixtape "Playtimes over", I anticipated a record filled with profanity, materialism, raunchy sexipodes and drug refferrences. I was wrong. When she signed with Young Money and adopted her "Barbie" persona, I prepared myself for radio friendly pop anthems and an inflated guest list. I was wrong again. Instead, Pinky Friday is filled with witty lyrics, humour, introspection and aggression. With a solid balance of street hop joints, teen choice favorites and experimental cuts, Nicki has created a credible blueprint for young femcees to follow. She has decided focus less on sex, drugs and shopping and candidly discusses her past, present and future with a diverse flow and flawless comedic timing. Nicki is far from perfect, and her critics will question her vocal chords, production choices and image. But when it comes to moving the crowd with confidence, poise and style, she has earned the right to wear the crown.....
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Toronto Gun Life, 2010


A headline is worth a thousand words. But, how many lives must we lose until we address the senseless violence that plagues our community? Year after year its the same story: a young black male in the wrong place @ the wrong time. Mothers crying into news reporters microphones. Friends claiming "he was a good kid". Neighbours shocked that it happened in their "quiet" neighbourhood.

Who's responsible? Who should take the blame? You, me, him or her? Well, if you ask me: We all should. From the parents who are ignorant to their childs shady behaviour to the guys who fear the local thugs to the girls who shower them with affection. We are all responsible. In 2011, instead of blaming the media, movies, television or music, ask yourself a simple question: what have I done to prevent gun violence?
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Mobilicity Kicks A$$ (Rogers, Bell & Telus should take notes...)


This is dedicated to everyone suffering under a ridiculous cellphone contract imposed on us by the "Big 3": Rogers, Bell and Telus. Ive recently ended my long, stressful relationship with Rogers and am officially on the Mobilicity bandwagon. With no contract involved, I've signed up for possibly the GREATEST cellphone plan available: Unlimited everything!

North American calls, Data, Blackberry Internet, Global texting, picture/text/video messaging, Call waiting, Call forwarding, 3 way calling, Caller Id...etc. All for the ridiculous monthly fee of $39.55 (tax included). Yup, that's all. This is not a 3month, 6month or 1 year Drake would say, "It's Forever"

So, spread the word and lets tell these phone companies to go _____ themselves in 2011.

Click here ----> Mobilicity to find all compatible phones.

Scarlett Johansson on the cover of GQ Magazine


Meet my celebrity crush! Celebrating her 26th birthday in style, Scarlett Johansson graces the cover of my favorite mag, looking sultry, sexy and gorgeous. The article is brief, but mentions her recent critically acclaimed broadway run for "View from the Bridge". Eye candy aside, Scarletts ability to avoid publicity stunts and relationship drama set her apart from her mid 20's Hollywood peers. Clothes, gadgets and toys! Merry Christmas for GQ mag!

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Nike Dunk Hi (Deep Garnet)


As I sloooowly transition from high tops to hard bottoms, I find it increasing difficult not to indulge my sneaker fetish. So, as you can imagine, I nearly had an orgasmic moment when I came across these beauties. Courtesy of Sneaker Freaker , the Nike Dunk Hi is a perfect  blend of grey suede and Deep Garnet canvas combined with a two-tone midsole. Hmmm, nothing sweeter than a new pair of kicks....

The Rulers Back...


It feels good to be wanted. To be desired. To Loved and to be missed. Sometimes you need to be reminded of just how important you are. How valuable your contribution to society is. Ok, enough of the melodramatics: I'm back! Like Michael Jordan fresh off the baseball Jay-Z walking out of his plush executive chair. Did you miss me? Probably not, lol. With a billion blogs to choose from, you've probably been whoring around the net for the past few months! I don't blame you though. I know I left you stranded and alot has happened since my exile: From Jay-Z beefing with Hammer to Beyonce baby rumors. We have a new Mayor in Toronto. Weezys coming home and T.I.'s headed back up state. Yup there's alot going on, kids. So pull up a chair, sit back and enjoy....

"This time its for the money, my ni**a"- JayZ

What's in your Ipod: Mood Muzik 4 by Joe Budden...


I've always liked Joe Budden. He represents the best (and sometimes worst) that Hip hop has to offer. He refuses to conform to societies expectations and even challenges his own loyal fan base to look bellow the surface. His Mood Muzik series have been exquisite examples of lyricism, creativity and blunt honesty. Enjoy his latest installment.