
Nicki Minaj, "Pink Friday" album review

Expectations can be overwhelming at times. When Lebron James made the leap from high school phenom to NBA all star with relative ease, he raised the bar for prodigies from any genre to deliver immediately. With societies attention span diminishing at rapid pace, up & coming artist are facing unrealistic pressure from the media, fans and quite often themselves. 2009 "Rookie of the year", Nicki Minaj is far too familiar with media scrutiny. From her voice to her figure, she has been under a constant, unrelenting spotlight. On Friday, November 26th, Nicki delivered her long anticipated debut, "Pink Friday".....

This record review will surely differ from the countless others you'll be reading or reading about in the next couple weeks. Instead of breaking down the album to its basic elements ( production, guest apperances, etc) or dissecting each single, I will instead give you an overall analysis of the most important hiphop album release from a female artist since "The miseducation of Lauren Hill" Pink Friday is not the album I expected from Nicki Minaj. After stumbling on her 1st mixtape "Playtimes over", I anticipated a record filled with profanity, materialism, raunchy sexipodes and drug refferrences. I was wrong. When she signed with Young Money and adopted her "Barbie" persona, I prepared myself for radio friendly pop anthems and an inflated guest list. I was wrong again. Instead, Pinky Friday is filled with witty lyrics, humour, introspection and aggression. With a solid balance of street hop joints, teen choice favorites and experimental cuts, Nicki has created a credible blueprint for young femcees to follow. She has decided focus less on sex, drugs and shopping and candidly discusses her past, present and future with a diverse flow and flawless comedic timing. Nicki is far from perfect, and her critics will question her vocal chords, production choices and image. But when it comes to moving the crowd with confidence, poise and style, she has earned the right to wear the crown.....
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Tay'Lanee said...

very well written and I agree with you
part of me feel that when Nicki is ready fr her sophmore album a little more of that raw flow will beging to creep in a little.. im happy that she continued to be her with her lyrical flow and her continuously playful weirdness that is her.

I agree a lot with what Mc Lyte said about her in a recent interview

She was saying that its not just rap artist that should be worried about they spot... =0

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